Corona – NFA 2020 – Updated – 01/07/2021

Corona – NFA 2020 – Update
In the lead up to this year’s 6th annual National Film Awards which was scheduled to take place on the 20th of March and then postponed till July. However, the National Film Academy senior management team have just completed a consultation meeting this morning due to the recent latest World Health Organisation and Public Health England guidance regarding COVID-19 .
We are aware that the whole of society is being impacted by the coronavirus pandemic but also realise the profound effect it has had on the cultural sector and on the economy of our city, to which the awards is such an important contributor.It is vital we now work together to emerge from this challenge.
- Cover your mouth and nose every time you cough or sneeze. Use a disposable tissue if possible and dispose of it in a bin
- Wash your hands regularly with soap and water especially every time you cough or sneeze, or use an alcohol-based hand-sanitising product. Most of the bathrooms at the Hall have sensor-activated taps
- Avoid touching your face with your hands
- If you have a general cough/cold, avoid close contact with others such as hugging or shaking hands