Monday, February 10, 2025

Corona – NFA 2020 – Updated – 01/07/2021


Corona – NFA 2020 – Update

In the lead up to this year’s 6th annual National Film Awards which was scheduled to take place on the 20th of March and then postponed till July. However, the National Film Academy senior management team have just completed a consultation meeting this morning due to the recent  latest World Health Organisation and Public Health England guidance regarding COVID-19 .

Following advice and our second consultation, the Academy  has decided to act accordingly in the safety of all our guests, sponsors, clients, staff, attendees and postponed the 6th annual National Film Awards  to the new date of the 1st of July 2021

We are aware that the whole of society is being impacted by the coronavirus pandemic but also realise the profound effect it has had on the cultural sector and on the economy of our city, to which the awards is such an important contributor.It is vital we now work together to emerge from this challenge.

Clarity on Postponement rather than cancellation:
The National Film Academy will not be cancelling the 6th edition of the National Film Awards as an edition cannot be skipped to the next (ie. we cannot skip the 6th edition . The academy’s first priority  is to make sure we can provide a safe environment for our guests, nominees, sponsors, staff and partners to celebrate especially what has been an incredible period for many worldwide. As of now, following government guidelines on lockdown. July has been earmarked for a time where restaurant, bars, and many establishments can start functioning in part. However, we have taken the decision to postpone the 6th annual NFA’s to September to allow for adequate time for all concerned to adjust to new rules, regulations and standards. Please, note that we will also be closely monitoring government recommendation and if we need to postpone till a new date in 2021 all nominees, partners, sponsors and guests will be informed accordingly.  
Our t&c’s still apply and remain effective. All participants, sponsors, nominees and guest tickets/tables or packages will be simply carried forward to the new date in case of postponement as a result of force majeure (e.g. Covid-19). See: 
New Date & Details:
All details remain the same:
Date: 1st of July 2021
Location: Venue: Porchester Hall, Porchester Rd, Bayswater, London W2 5HS
Timings : 18.30 ( Red Carpet)
We are also hoping to celebrate NHS heroes who have played a significant role during this period and will be engaging all participants to take part in this huge celebration and appreciation on both sides.
Finally, the National Film Academy firmly believes that films have a vital  role to play in our society and the creativity that is in us all reminds us of the preciousness and beauty of life. Let’s cherish that now and emerge from this with renewed humanity and strength.
As always, we look forward to working together with you in the lead up to the awards in September and would like to thank you for your continued support.
Please follow standard good hygiene practice such as:
  • Cover your mouth and nose every time you cough or sneeze. Use a disposable tissue if possible and dispose of it in a bin
  • Wash your hands regularly with soap and water especially every time you cough or sneeze, or use an alcohol-based hand-sanitising product. Most of the bathrooms at the Hall have sensor-activated taps
  • Avoid touching your face with your hands
  • If you have a general cough/cold, avoid close contact with others such as hugging or shaking hands