Thursday, October 24, 2024

National Film Awards UK , National Film Awards USA, National Film Awards Africa, National Film Awards South America, National Film Awards Australia, European National Film Awards , National Film Festival, National Film Database , ,, (c) is a brand, company, event, tv programme, organisation and website operated by National Film Academy owned solely by NMG and any re-productions, representations and breach in copyright will be subject to legal action within the following territories ; USA, United Kingdom , France, Germany, Africa, Switzerland, Australia, Europe and the Caribbean.

Your use of this website is subject to the following Terms & Conditions of Use, which you are deemed to accept by using the website.


Use of this website is open for worldwide users within the UK (United Kingdom) , Europe, Asia, Caribbean and the USA (United States of America) which will be the six initial territories licensed to organise, produce and broadcast the National Film Awards.

Voting Rules:

1.) Only one vote is allowed per person

2.) Voters must register with correct contact details as NFA staff will from time to time contact random voters to verify voting made.

Note that all sponsorship fees are non-refundable for any event once fees have been paid. If for some reason you are no longer able to attend or market at the event. We would only be able to suggest postponing the package you have purchased for the next year with similar terms. Additionally, all agreements to offer are made explicitly by an offer and acceptance and do not require a signed contract.

The value of the tickets is advertised for the event as shown. Once purchased, no refunds will be made possible except the event is cancelled. If the event date is postponed due to force majeure, your tickets will be transfered to the new date. The event is also not sold on the basis talent, artists, and or celebrities in attendance.

Contacting Celebrities Policy

At the National Film Academy, we prioritize maintaining the integrity and fairness of our awards process. As part of this commitment, we have a strict policy in place regarding the contact of celebrities by any brand or entity sponsoring the National Film Awards. This policy applies to all stages of the awards, including nominations, pre-announcement, and the event itself.

It is strictly forbidden for any brand or entity associated with the [National Film Awards] to directly contact celebrities regarding their nominations or involvement in the awards. This policy ensures that the confidentiality of nominations is upheld until the official announcement, and it prevents any undue influence or bias in the awards process.

We have established this policy to protect the reputation and credibility of the [National Film Awards] and to ensure a level playing field for all nominees. By adhering to this policy, we maintain the fairness and impartiality that our esteemed awards have been built upon over the years.

We kindly request all sponsors, partners, and participants to respect this policy and refrain from contacting celebrities associated with the [National Film Awards] without prior authorization. Violations of this policy may result in disqualification or other appropriate measures.


The copyright and all other rights in the material on this website are owned by us or are included with the permission of the owner of the rights. As a visitor to this website, you may download a single copy of the material on this website on a single computer for your own private viewing/listening purposes only. Single copies of pages from this website may be printed out for the sole purposes of enabling the person printing the page to retain a copy for their own personal records. No copying or distribution of material on this website for any commercial or business use is permitted without our prior written consent. No photography, filming, broadcast, alteration or modification of the pages of this website is permitted without our prior written consent except as may be reasonably necessary to use the website. Subject to this paragraph, all rights in material on this website are reserved to the National Film Awards, National Film & TV Academy. The website might recieve unsolicited material or images from contributors or readers which might be published. If you are copyright holder and if any copyrights have been breached. You will need to contact us by e-mailing and our policy is to take down the content within 4 days and this remedies the breach.

Prohibited use

You agree not to use this website:

* to create a database (electronic or otherwise) that includes material downloaded or otherwise obtained from this website except where expressly permitted on the website;

* to transmit or re-circulate any material obtained from this website to any third party except where expressly permitted on this website;

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* to disseminate any material that contains software viruses or any other computer code, files or programs designed to interrupt, damage, destroy or limit the functionality of any computer software or hardware or telecommunications equipment; or

* in any way that might infringe third party rights or that might bring  National Film Academy or any of its subsidiaries into disrepute.

User-submitted content

Users can generally submit content including articles, images, etc. By submitting these images and content you agree that the National Film Academy will be held harmless of any legal issues arising from the images. Any copyright owners who find out that content on the site submitted by a user infringes on their copyright. Should contact us asap by e-mailing: to inform us of such a breach and the NFA Academy will ensure the breached infringing material is removed within 7 days. Please, note that the NFA Academy will take no responsibility and as an organisation or pay any fee for content submitted by users. We will be able to send you details of the offending party who uploaded the content for you to pursue if required. On our part, the content is always and will be duly removed. Additionally, If you send any text, images, audio or other content to this website you accept that the files sent, and all rights therein, become the sole property of the National Film  Academy and that we shall have the right to use that content in perpetuity, throughout the world, in all known and discovered mediums and for all purposes and we shall have the right to make it available to the public on this website and otherwise except is pointed to the academy that the original content did not belong to you.

Information and availability.

Whilst we take every care to ensure that the information on this website is accurate and complete, some of it may be supplied to us by third parties and we are unable to check its accuracy or completeness. You are advised to verify the accuracy of any information before relying on it. Further, due to the inherent nature of the Internet, errors, interruptions and delays may occur in the service at any time. Accordingly, this website is provided on an “AS IS” and “AS AVAILABLE” basis without any warranties of any kind and we do not accept any liability arising from any inaccuracy or omission in the information or interruption in availability.

No reliance

The information on this website does not necessarily reflect the views and opinions of the National Film & TV Academy any of their brands. Neither should any suggestions or advice contained on this website be relied upon in place of professional advice. You are responsible for checking the accuracy of relevant facts, instructions, suggestions and/or opinions given on this website before entering into any commitment based upon them.

Linking to our website

We welcome ‘hot links’ to the Home Page of our website, but not ‘deep linking’ by which we mean that you may not include a link to any page of our website that is not the Home Page. Neither may you display the contents of our website (or any page from it) or allow it to be displayed surrounded or framed or otherwise surrounded by material not originating from us without our consent. If you would like to license our material, please contact us.

Links to other websites

On this website you may be offered automatic links to other websites. Whilst we hope you will be interested in those websites, you acknowledge that the content on those pages is not subject to our control, their owners may be independent from us and we do not endorse or accept any responsibility for their content.

Computer viruses

We will use reasonable endeavors to ensure that the website does not contain or promulgate any viruses or other malicious code. However, it is recommended that you should virus check all materials downloaded from the website and regularly check for the presence of viruses and other malicious code. We exclude to the fullest extent permitted by applicable laws all liability in connection with any damage or loss caused by computer viruses or other malicious code originating or contracted from the website.


On certain parts of this website we may require you to register and provide certain information about yourself and where you do this you agree to: (a) provide true, accurate, current and complete information about yourself as prompted by the relevant registration form (such information being the “Registration Data”).

Our use of Registration Data and certain other information about you is subject to our Privacy Policy.

Removal of content

We, and others that we designate, shall have the right at our sole discretion to refuse or remove any content that is posted to, or available on, the forums or the website without the need to give any reasons for doing so.

Content objections

If you object to the publication of any material placed on this website please let us know by sending an appropriately worded email to and we will take whatever action we deem appropriate.

Competition terms and conditions

These rules apply to all prize promotions including free draws, prize competitions and instant win offers. Depending on the nature of the competition there may be additional rules imposed by us (or selected third parties) and each such offer may be subject to its own express terms and may not be available in all jurisdictions.

1. Promotions are open to UK residents aged 18 and over. As, the website is also accessible for our US audience via National Film Awards USA. Promotions will also be accessible to US fans from 18 and over.

2. Prizes are non-transferable, non-negotiable and no cash alternatives will be offered.

3. National Film & TV Academy reserve the right to substitute the prize for another prize of equal value.

4. NO PURCHASE NECESSARY to enter the competitions unless otherwise stated on the promotional activity with a specific competition.

5. By entering the prize draw, the entrant agrees to be bound by the rules and by any other requirements set out in the promotional material accompanying the promotion.

6. By entering the promotion, the entrant agrees to these Terms & Conditions of Use and the terms of the Privacy Policy. In addition, National Film Awards may pass your personal information to the promoters and their data processors. However, we always demand that those parties adhere to the same security procedures that we follow ourselves.

7. It is assumed that by entering competitions which, if won, could result in time off work, your employer is in agreement to time off. When dates are specified they cannot be altered.

8. Depending on the nature of the prize, its use or enjoyment may be subject to further conditions or restrictions.

9. Winners will be notified by email on the day of the draw. Winners have five (5) business working days to respond in full to the email or another winner will be drawn.

10. By entering the promotion, the winner(s) consent(s) to any publicity generated as a result of the promotion, and use on this website at any time.

11. The website Editor’s decision is final and no correspondence will be entered into. Odds of winning depend on the number of eligible entries received.

12. Only one entry per person. Spammers will be disqualified.


In the event that any term of these Terms & Conditions of Use is held to be invalid or unenforceable, the remainder of these Terms & Conditions of Use shall remain valid and enforceable.

Variation of these Terms & Conditions of Use

National Film Awards reserves the right to vary these Terms & Conditions of Use from time to time. Such variations become effective immediately upon the posting of the varied Terms & Conditions of Use on the website. By continuing to use the website you will be deemed to accept such variations.

The value of the tickets is advertised for the event as shown. Once purchased, no refunds will be made possible. The event is also not sold on the basis of talent, artists, and or celebrities in attendance. All VIP tickets purchased for events postponed due to force majeure, a public incident, or an epidemic are not subject to refunds. However, the tickets purchased and value will be duly transferred to the next event date.


Nothing in these Terms & Conditions of Use shall restrict or exclude any liability that we have to any party which cannot be excluded by law and in particular, and notwithstanding any term of these Terms & Conditions of Use, our liability for death or personal injury caused by our negligence shall not be limited or excluded in any way.

These Terms & Conditions of Use shall be governed by English law and the courts of England and Wales shall have exclusive jurisdiction.

A. Within these terms and conditions, any use of “We”, “Us” and “Our” means National Film Awards.

B. You agree you are only entitled to use the Service for lawful purposes, for your own personal, private use and will not use the Service in breach of our or any third parties’ intellectual property rights in the Service.

C. You recognise that the Service may, from time to time, be adversely affected by events outside our control. We will make all reasonable efforts to ensure the uninterrupted and timely supply of the Service and will take all reasonable steps at our expense to correct any error, omission or mistake, but will not be liable for any error, delay, or failure in transmission of the Service.

D. From time to time we may be required to amend these terms and conditions and reserve such right. By continuing to use the Service you will be deemed to have accepted the varied terms and conditions, which will be posted here. We reserve the right to cancel, modify or supersede the Service if, in our sole discretion, the Service is not capable of being conducted as specified in these terms and conditions

E. You agree that your personal data supplied when voting for the nominees may be used by Us to monitor the use of the Service and from time to for marketing purposes, newsletters or to evaluate areas where we can improve the Service for customers. All personal data submitted by the subscriber is submitted voluntarily.

F. We reserve the right to disclose information about you to applicable regulatory or government bodies where We are required by law to disclose this information.

G. If we believe that there has been a breach of these terms and conditions we reserve the right to immediately and without notice withdraw or bar the services.

The Use Of ‘Cookies’

In order to enable us to provide you with a personalised browsing experience, this site uses ‘cookie’ information collection technology. “Cookies” are small pieces of information that are issued to your computer when you enter a website. Cookies are stored by your browser on your computer’s hard drive, and they can be used for a wide range of purposes, such as identifying your computer’s previous visits to this website, and to ascertain the most popular features of this website.

Why Do We Use Cookies?

Like many other websites, this website uses cookies as they enable us to identify your computer when you visit this website. For example, cookies can make it possible for us to identify and automatically log in registered users of certain services on this website without the need for us to ask users for their registration details and password each time they visit. We also use cookies to develop a clearer picture of which parts of this website are the most popular to its visitors, and your preferences. You are not obliged to accept cookies and you may amend your browser’s settings to prevent it from accepting cookies.

Please be aware that if you do disable cookies, certain services on this website may not be available to you and your enjoyment of this website may be impaired.

Links and Third Party Advertising

If you have any queries about Our Privacy Policy or any queries about the protection of personal information We hold about you, please do not hesitate to contact us by e-mailing;